Beal Lab

Nucleic Acid Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Graduation of Dr. Leanna Monteleone!

We want to congratulate Leanna on her virtual graduation and completing her Ph.D.! We also want to wish her the best at her new Post Doc position at UCSF starting this Fall. Enjoy the city and new science, Leanna!



Two new papers available online!

Two collaborative papers were published recently:

Congrats to Cody on this collaboration with the Doudna lab here.

And to Leanna on this collaboration with the Heemstra lab here.

Great work everyone!

2020 Larock Undergraduate Research Conference

Michelle and Shannon both gave excellent talks at this year’s virtual Larock conference. The conference also featured keynote speaker and lab alumna Dr. Nicole Schirle-Oakldale, who recieved her M.S. in pharmaceutical chemistry in 2010.

Great job, Shannon, who was awarded Best Presentation in chemical biology session II.

Graduation of Dr. Cody Palumbo!

We want to congratulate Cody for his virtual graduation for completing his Ph.D.! We also want to wish him the best at his new position as Scientist in Juno Therapeutics at Seattle! Enjoy the weather and outdoors bud!

Shannon Wins “Best Poster”!

Following in her mentor’s footsteps (Miller Symposium 2019 Best Poster winner), Shannon took home the award for Best Poster among the undergraduates at the 2020 Miller Symposium. Nice work, Shannon!

2020 Miller Symposium

This year’s Miller symposium was a success, with a talk from our very own Dr. Peter Beal, and poster presentations by graduate and undergraduate students in the group.  Thanks to keynote speaker Dr. Jennifer Doudna for a wonderful talk, and for joining us for a photo!

New ChemBioChem paper

Congrats to Cody and co-authors on their paper “Versatile 3′ Functionalization of CRISPR Single Guide RNA”. This collaborative work with Dr. David Segal’s lab began as part of Cody’s T32 training grant. Read the full text here!

Beal lab happy hour!

Time to celebrate some recent successes of the group and welcome our new members: Victorio and Bailey!

Beal lab takes BART!

Many of our lab members ventured to UC San Fransisco for the Bay Area RNA Club’s 2019 meeting.

Look who bagged the best poster award at BARC Meeting 2019!

Congratulations, Leanna!

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