Beal Lab

Nucleic Acid Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Congratulations, Erin!

Hats off to Erin for being the runner up for the Best Student Talk at the 2nd International Base Editing Conference (Deaminet 2021) last January 24-25. Erin did an awesome job describing her work on the rational design of oligonucleotide guide strands for site directed RNA editing by ADARs!

Graduation of Dr. SeHee Park!

Congratulations to SeHee for completing her Ph.D. and for her new job as a postdoctoral fellow at the Joung lab in Harvard Medical School and Massachussets General Hospital! Thank you for your huge contributions to the Beal lab and we hope you enjoy Boston!

New paper in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

Congratulations Kevin and co-authors on their new publication, “Ester modification at the 3′ end of anti-microRNA oligonucleotides increases potency of microRNA inhibition.” Read the full text here!

New paper in Nature Communications

Check out SeHee’s paper about a novel second zinc-binding site in ADAR1 here! Congratulations, SeHee and co-workers!

Congratulations, Dr. Jennifer Doudna!

The Beal lab congratulates Dr. Jennifer Doudna for winning this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry! Here’s our group picture with the Nobel laureate from the R. Bryan Miller Symposium last March.


Time for a new virtual lab pic!

Farewell to our Post-Doc star Dr. Vandana Gaded!

We wish the very best on your journey and continuation of your career! Always know that the Beal lab will always be another home for you! Best of luck with everything! We will miss your brilliant science and presence!


Mentor and mentee won awards!


Congratulations to SeHee for winning the Robert K. Brinton Award in Chemistry and to her undergrad student, Michelle, for winning the Outstanding Contribution to the Undergraduate Class Award from UC Davis Department of Chemistry!

New paper in NAR

Great job Alex and co-authors on their new publication “Asymmetric dimerization of adenosine deaminase acting on RNA facilitates substrate recognition”. Read the full text here

Graduation of our undergrad stars!

Shannon Lu


We want to congratulate Shannon for completing her B.S. in a major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a minor in Japanese! We also want to wish her the best in graduate school at the University of Chicago as an Eckhardt scholar! Good luck Shannon, we’ll miss you!

Michelle Luo


Congratulations Michelle for completing her B.S. in Chemistry! We also want to wish her the best in graduate school at Yale University! Good luck Michelle! Keep in touch, we’ll miss your energy!

Luan Nguyen

We want to congratulate Luan for completing his B.S. in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior! We want to wish him the best of luck as he applies to medical school! We will miss you!

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