Beal Lab

Nucleic Acid Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Congratulations Aashrita!


Aashrita Manjunath presented a fantastic third year seminar on testing a variety of chemically modified guide RNA’s to increase editing at poorly edited sites!

Congratulations Prince!

Prince Salvador gave fantastic third year seminar about his work on identifying unique guide RNA’s from an unbiased large library screen!

Pictures from ChemBio Retreat in Napa!

CBBA Day 2023 Highlights!

Congratulations to Victorio for winning a best poster award at the CBBA (Chemical Biology in the Bay Area) Day 2023! We are also very proud of Agya for representing UC Davis as student speaker! Here’s a photo of Victorio showcasing his $100 bill award and Agya taking a selfie with other CBBA speakers (including Nobel laureate Carolyn Bertozzi!).

Hello, Leanna!

We’re so glad to see our Beal lab alumna, Dr. Leanna Monteleone, last week at the 2023 R. Bryan Miller Symposium! Here’s a cute photo of Leanna together with two generations of her research advisors: Prof. Philip Costanzo (Cal Poly SLO) and our very own, Prof. Peter Beal!

Congratulations, Casey and Bailey!

Hats off to Casey and Bailey for winning poster awards during the 2023 R. Bryan Miller Symposium! Casey won the best poster award from RSC Chemical Biology while Bailey was one of best poster award winners for ACS Sacramento. Here’s a photo of the two with their award certificates!

Sherry’s first poster presentation!

The Beal lab loves our undergrad researchers! Here’s a photo of Sherry presenting her first ever poster at the 2023 R. Bryan Miller Symposium. Fantastic job, Sherry!

New paper in ACS Chem Bio

Congratulations to Casey and co-workers on this paper describing an NGS-based, high-throughput screening method for guide RNAs for site-directed RNA editing using ADARs! Well done!


New paper in Biochemistry

Check out this neat work by Herra and co-workers on ADAR1-selective inhibition published in Biochemistry. Congratulations, everyone!

Congratulations, Hannah and Herra!

Congratulations to Hannah for winning the best oral presentation during the RNA Editing Gordon Research Seminar and to Herra for being selected as one of four best posters among 114 presenters during the RNA Editing Gordon Research Conference last March 19-24, 2023 at Ventura, CA!

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